
Best things to do in Granada and Cordoba

In our previous posts, we’ve shown just how rich in culture the Madrid region is, in terms of history, gastronomy, architecture and much more. We also touched briefly on Andalusia, the southern region of Spain, which is also rich in history, thanks in particular to its shared past with the Muslim footprint. Today, we’re going to focus on 2 of the main cities, Granada and Cordoba. Here is our list of the best things to do in Granada and Cordoba !

First, let’s start with Granada !


You can’t go to Granada without visiting the Alhambra. Since 1984, this place is a UNESCO World Heritage site. This one of the most-visited monuments in the world with its palaces and its beautiful gardens. From there, you can also have an impressive view on the city and the landscape. This is one of the most prestigious testimonies to the Arab-Muslim presence in Spain from the 8th to the 15th century. The fortified castle is well preserved with its towers and ornements. You can find more precised details in our article named ’10 most beautiful palaces of Spain’.

Granada Cathedral

It’s one of the masterpieces of the Spanish Renaissance. It’s renowned for its façade. We can also find elements of the Gothic era. If you climb into the ‘Tower of the Bells’, you can also have a panoramic view on Granada and the surrounding mountains.


On the gastronomic side, you’ll also want to try their renowned tapas. Most are very generous and can serve as a meal. For the best places to eat tapas, we recommend the area around the cathedral, calle de Elvira and the charming Albaicín district which is also a good place to take a walk.

Paseo de los tristes

Paseo de los tristes or Promenade of the Sad one in english is named like that for the funeral processions that used to pass through it. This place is a good one to see. Other happier events are tooking place in such as many popular festivals and competitions.

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Now let’s talk about Cordoba !


Of course, we have to start with the Mezquita-Catedral, which is also a testament to Islamic architecture, with all its arches and columns. It’s the perfect blend of a classical Spanish cathedral and a mosque. You can see this juxtaposition perfectly inside.

Gate Bridge

You can also pass through The Bridge Gate just before the Roman bridge. It was built in the 16th century and is a must for leaving the old town and discovering the rest of Cordoba. From the Roman bridge you can also admire the sunset over the Guadalquivir river. This bridge was built in the 1st century BC and for almost 20 centuries was the only point of access to the city.

La Judería

This district is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the majority of the monuments are located in it. Take a stroll down one of Andalusia’s typical little streets, with its flower-filled balconies and cobbled alleys. Artisan lather craft and jewelry stores are scattered throughout these alleyways.

Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos

It’s also one of Cordoba’s must-see monuments. It served as a residence for Catholic kings and as a Holy Office during the Inquisition. You can climb one of the 4 towers to reach the ramparts and enjoy a panoramic view of the whole city. You can then stroll through the gardens, lined with tree-lined paths and orange trees, with a central pool and several fountains.

It is only a short list of what you can do in Granada and Cordoba but if you don’t have so much time it’s perfect. Moreover, these places are real must-sees if you go there.

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